“Bros,” will be produced by Judd Apatow, who was also behind the film “The Big Sick,” which starred Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan and was credited with breaking all the rules of traditional romantic comedies. ‘Love, Simon’ really got to me.”Įichner also wrote on Twitter Friday that his manager told him to be 'less gay' back in 2006, when an agent was coming to his show, and that the making of his new film 'only took 100 years! Thanks, Hollywood!' Billy Eichner in 2019. it was so unusual to have a connection to what was happening on-screen instead of being a step or two removed. move over Julia Roberts, there’s a new rom com QUEEN in town!īROS, prod by and dir by hits theaters AUG 12, 2022! (Twitter, we wanted to give you a year to figure out why you already hate it!) - billy eichner March 5, 2021Įichner recently told Variety how much representation matters to him, and it was when watching “Love, Simon,” a film about a gay kid in high school who falls in love, that, “Straight people go to the movies and literally see themselves all the time.